Linked Questions

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How to make an object planar and remove overlapping faces [duplicate]

I'm new with blender, I need transform a 3d object to 2D from top view, so I've used in object mode that keyboard sequence S, Z, 0 so I have a flat surface as I want but with many overlapping faces ...
oscurodrago's user avatar
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How to extract side-view outline (e.g. top view) of a 3D object to 2D surface?

I want to make some 2D version of 3D particles. I used to shrinkWrap the 3D mesh to a plan, and draw NURBS curve manually along the boundary. However it is too time-consuming! Is there any easy way ...
KOF's user avatar
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Project Curve on Surface

I would like to know how to project a bezier curve onto an extruded bezier curve. as an example in Autodesk Maya is: Create a curve-on-surface Is there a way to do this in Blender 2.79b or the soon ...
Whitequill Riclo's user avatar
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How can I get the outline of a shadow with Freestyle?

For a vector illustration project, I am looking for a way to extract the shadows of objects in Freestyle. Currently I am only able to export the object itself (with Freestyle Edge Marks and the ...
Arnaud Antkowiak's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a silhouette edge of a mesh in Blender?

I want to be able to create a silhouette edge from a chosen point on any given mesh. Essentially, the silhouette edge is a 3D curve made up of points on the mesh whose tangent planes intersect with a ...
user6490576's user avatar
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How can you cut shapes out of an object with other objects?

I know this has been asked before but I seem to be struggling to use either the knife project tool or merging meshes and then separating out sections to cut pieces in a mesh. This is probably due to ...
KaphaSound's user avatar
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How to cut a plane in a shape of another planar mesh?

I have a terrain-looking plane made with Geometry Nodes (gray in the image below) and I would like to cut out a "meadow" on it (yellow in the image below) to assign different materials to ...
dustymax's user avatar
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imprint plane with boolean modifier

I'm wondering if it's possible to "imprint" a cube shape into a flat plane. if i use the boolean modifier to set a cube inside a larger cube it imprints the cube shape into the mesh. But, if I ...
ScottUnityNoob's user avatar
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Is the File too Big or is Blender too Slow?

I am just now getting involved in photogrammetry and as we know the files are quite large. I am importing an .OBJ file from Meshroom and from the import to any other click there is lag. Being new I ...
Todd Vander Galien's user avatar
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Cut an imported obj [duplicate]

Good morning I have imported a obj with textures in blender and i would like to cut it and eliminate margins. in the image you can see several trees in margins, and i would like to cut and only remain ...
JuanL's user avatar
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Tips on cutting

Has anyone got any tips on how to perfectly cut away everything outside the pink line. Im thinking that project knife is my friend but I need to align the edges of the knife perfectly. Any help you ...
RodT's user avatar
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How to make a template

im a absolute beginner using blender and hope someone can help me. I work as a prosthetist and wanted to create a template for some foam which i have to glue into a orthesis. i do have a stl of the ...
Ti_mo's user avatar
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How do I make knife cuts into a mesh *based* on another mesh? (Not boolean) [duplicate]

So I have this (selected plane in edit mode below) plane and I want to cut into it with this mesh (the mesh on top): The crucial bit is that I'm not looking to use the boolean mod to punch out a ...
DocBadwrench's user avatar
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Convert or merge elements to workable objects

I have no prior experience with blender and objects. I have a osm "object" with a bunch of elements I would like to convert in to a object or something I can modify and reshape. Im trying to ...
Grobi03's user avatar