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Texture are not showing when I export (in FBX) [duplicate]

I downloaded this file and tried to export as an FBX to add texture . But when I finish to export it the texture is not applied to it . I am confused on how to export this one I watched sort of videos ...
user164623's user avatar
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Exporting problem [duplicate]

So I exported this material( The one in the picture) for blender to unreal engine but when I exported the fbx file in ue4. When I applied the material to a plane well it was just a black material they ...
Mr_sauce's user avatar
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How to Export Colors in Blender [duplicate]

How do I export color models in Blender? I'm trying to color them but they come out in gray.
Daniel Celano's user avatar
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Low quality model when export [duplicate]

how can I make a good 3d model ... This is what i made and this is when i try to open it in Unity, is there a way that i can export it in high quality...
Donkey's user avatar
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Why is Shadow Catcher not working [duplicate]

I’ve seen other questions about the settings for Shadow Catcher, however everything I’ve seen I have tried. Using Cycles / GPU. Set Film to Transparent. Set to PNG / RGBA. Set only the plane to Shadow ...
David Benjamin Seman's user avatar
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Collada terrain missig texture [duplicate]

I really hope that someone has the time to help out a complete newb regarding blender. I hava a collada terrain thats been exported from QGIS. When exporting the terrain i get two files with the same ...
ringostar's user avatar
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How to export 3d model while preserving materials? [duplicate]

I want to export a 3d model to different file formats (.fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae) yet I when I import them again in blender the materials are different. Glass BSDF gets turned into Prncipled BSDF and ...
Alex Dan's user avatar
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MPFB2 Human Export to Sketchup [duplicate]

I have created a character using MPFB2 and now I need to export it to something Sketchup can use (Collada). Unfortunately, the textures aren't coming with it. I have watched countless videos, but ...
jdkoll's user avatar
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How to export node tree to mtl [duplicate]

I created a nice "Pattern" using the node editor, When I try to export it to .obj and .mtl file and use it in website, using Three.js. But I found my nice pattern were gone, only the basic ...
Jim Luk's user avatar
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Trouble importing Architectural Interiors as fbx models from online sites into Blender [duplicate]

I am trying to import architectural interiors from online 3d model marketplaces like CGTrader or Turbosquid. My workflow is that I download the fbx file, corresponding textures file and put it in a ...
aloha's user avatar
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Problem when I export from Blender in FBX, no texture is exported [duplicate]

I have been exporting in Blender and wanting to practice with 3D models that I have textured well and I have assigned to the models, but when I export these never carry the texture or color. Only pure ...
Norami's user avatar
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Exporting from blender to unity with texture [duplicate]

I followed this udemy course to build a character in blender and I'm trying to export it with the textures into unity, for some reason it won't export the textures with the model, added some photos of ...
Itay Tamir's user avatar
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Can't export texture [duplicate]

I have a model of the cup with pretty easy textures, but there is one specific thing: I added a png on it's UV (and adding a png was a nightmare, I did not expect that simply applying png to existing ...
Angleton's user avatar
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Im trying to turn this black hole project to a obj with texture. But when i do it just has the circle and squares not what i have view port shading [duplicate]

I'm trying add my black hole to element 3d but the textures are not carrying over when I make it an obj
Thirst God's user avatar
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When I convert from GLB to FBX, the texture is lost, any advice? [duplicate]

Hello I've been trying to find a solution to this issue and was hoping someone could help (this is in blender btw) I then export it as an fbx, after doing so I then reimport it back into blender as an ...
chiapet's user avatar

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