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22 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between Translucency and Transparency?

I have been wondering this for a while. What is exactly the difference between a translucency shader and a transparency shader?
Owen Patterson's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How can I add Lens Flares/Halos?

Is there an addon, or an easy way to add lens flare effects or light aberrations in Blender? I've been using Blender for a while now, and it's very time consuming to always have to export to another ...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

How can the Glass Shader be imitated using only other shaders?

Exactly what does the Glass shader do? I would guess that it combines the effects of Glossy (zero roughness) for reflections, and Refraction for, obviously, light refracting through the object. ...
DarenW's user avatar
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45 votes
10 answers

How to reduce fireflies in Cycles?

I often use Cycles' built in Glass BSDF shader to achieve realistic refraction effects, but in many cases, it seems that Cycles' glass caustics creates an unfortunately large number of fireflies (...
Gwen's user avatar
  • 11.7k
47 votes
3 answers

Iridescence In Cycles?

Is it possible to create an iridescence shader in Cycles? Specifically for something like DVDs, soap bubbles, engine oil, etc..
gandalf3's user avatar
  • 158k
6 votes
1 answer

Why is the result of this GLSL shader asymetric when rendering with stereo "Side-By-Side"? [closed]

I am trying to achieve an inverse lens ditortion for the Oculus Rift during Side-By-Side stereo in the game engine. I am using a custom Filter2D with this GLSL shader. The distortion can be achieved ...
lubosz's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can I access the render screen size in a custom filter 2D in the game engine?

I am using Blender Game Engines Filter 2D to make a post effect with GLSL. In an fragment shader applied on the frame buffer, I want to access the size in pixels of that buffer in GLSL. ...
lubosz's user avatar
  • 231
7 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to limit the "Cycles Shadow from Transparency" per Object?

There is an option in the properties panel, Render > Light Paths > Shadows that toggles "using transparency of surfaces for rendering shadows" for the whole scene. I like to render architectural ...
Rosebarb's user avatar
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108 votes
1 answer

What is a BSDF?

The term "BSDF" is common in Cycles shaders such as "Diffuse BSDF" and "Glass BSDF" but is not present in all names ("Emission" and "Mix Shader" are two such examples). What exactly is a BSDF?
wchargin's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Can cycles Wireframe Input be coerced into displaying Tris, Quads and Ngons

edit 2 years later: Here is an alternative answer that meets the desired end-result using FreeStyle. Is there a way to make the wireframe input show the geometry as BMesh polygons instead of the raw ...
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
30 votes
2 answers

Difference between Add Shader and Mix Shader?

What's the difference between Add Shader and Mix Shader nodes with the Cycles rendering engine? I know that Mix Shader gives you more control over the material ratio, of course, but are there any ...
Gwen's user avatar
  • 11.7k

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