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Scene optimization on a material level?

How can I properly optimize a scene at a material level? For example. I have 2 different versions of the same rock texture in different resolutions, 1k for the background and 8k for the foreground. ...
elistuff's user avatar
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How can I get the final evaluated material color of each face?

I want to be able to get the final evaluated color for each face regardless of what shader node setup I have. I just want to get the final color result flowing into the Base Color socket of the ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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Batch renaming materials to texture name "XPS Shader"

If my node is "XPS_Shader" instead of "BSDF_PRINCIPLED",how to change these code? ...
mini core's user avatar
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Batch export 1000 .glb files

I’m trying to batch export 1000 .glb files with a script. the model I want to export uses an image sequence as a image texture that is cycling through 1000 different images. there is also a counter as ...
soulxchild's user avatar
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Edit Many Materials at Once [Insert a Group in all materials node chain]

The Situation: I'm creating a flying photo effect of hundreds of photos, using a particle system. I've created a custom group that includes lowering transparency based on camera distance, so as you ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Shaders Nodes - Attaching and detaching nodes with python [duplicate]

I would like to import an image as a plane, then add a MixShader and a Transparent BSDF, detach the Material Output Surface link, attach the BSDF to the MixShader, to the Material Output, then add the ...
Michael Teiniker's user avatar
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How to link the output of a Vector Math node to another node?

I try to build a operator for some specific shaders by using Python but got stuck on how to make a node connection between ColorRamp (input) and Vector Math (output): When I try to use ...
Kayla Man's user avatar
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How to make an object transparent in the viewport?

I would like to make one of my objects transparent in the 3D Viewport. When I look around I get tons of answers - all different, and some of them a lot more complicated than others and also older from ...
DrDress's user avatar
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How to Update NodeSocketString Value inside a node group in a attribute node using python

I have an Attribute node inside a node group, and for the node group inputs, I have created a NodeSocketString, Using ...
Rakesh choudhary's user avatar
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How to access the list of volume grids using python?

I wanted to access the attributes imported with a vdb file but I have no idea how to do that. Actually what I was trying to do is - In the attribute node in material for the vdb file I wanted to get ...
Rakesh choudhary's user avatar
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Comic book shader

I just started using Blender slowly switching over from long time Maya use . . I want to be able to control the gray values with image textures so I can create more detail in those areas . . anyone ...
Allen Altiner's user avatar
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How to create a new material and set it as active material using python script

How can I create a new material and set it active material on the active object using python script.
Rakesh choudhary's user avatar
3 votes
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Blender 2.8: How to select multiple object with the same diffuse color in principled shader?

I have to import various fbx file scenes , bringing in a large amount (>10.000 Objects) into the scene with each single import. Each import scene stands on its own. Imported fbx files will not be ...'s user avatar
3 votes
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How can i append a material from a blend file using python script

I wan't a script that could append a particular material only from a particular blend file so that i can just run the script and the material is there
user avatar
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How to externally control the look of volume material? [duplicate]

The effect that I want to achive looks like this: The problem I have is with that colorful cube with controllable color gradient. The cones and planes can be ingnored. I have achived similar result ...
redistor's user avatar
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Cycles Shader to assigns a color based on how many light sources hit the surface

I would like to create a Cycles Material that assigns a color to the points of an object's surface based on how many light sources hit that point. If, for example, there are 10 light lamps into the ...
user3420241's user avatar
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How to toggle/highlight interactable items?

in many games the items you want to pick change form when you are near or you are aiming at them. Sometimes they change color to a translucent green, sometimes they shine more than the rest objects in ...
Lev's user avatar
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Polka dots shader

For a project i need to texture an irregular shaped object with equally spaced black dots and also with dots of different sizes, locations. The way it must be done is by the intersection of spheres ...
user14641's user avatar