I would like to create a Cycles Material that assigns a color to the points of an object's surface based on how many light sources hit that point.
If, for example, there are 10 light lamps into the scene (and no ambient occlusion nor emissions from anywhere), each will contribute with a (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)RGB to the final color of the object surface if any of its rays hit it.
Do you think it is possible? Any suggestions about how to achieve this?
EDIT: (To be a little more specific). For an academic paper I'm writing, which will be a bit long to describe, I need to know how many lights are contributing to the color of a specific point of a surface. My idea was to paint this point with a tint obtained by adding the colors of those lights that hit it. In this way I don't know which lights are hitting a surface point (which could have been even better) but at least I know how many of them contribute to its final color.