Linked Questions

6 votes
1 answer

How do I switch the active camera during an animation? [duplicate]

How do I switch active camera temporarily in the middle of an animation? Thank you for the link, yes that is what I'm trying to do. But I'm not having much success. It seems that when I try to bind a ...
Gary C's user avatar
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2 answers

Making Cuts from Camera to Camera [duplicate]

I have an animation where a cube goes from point A to B. When it reaches B, he will be out of sight from the camera. How can I make a "cut", a.k.a., make the camera now show point B, where the cube ...
uku's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I switch between cameras? [duplicate]

I have two render camera objects in the scene, about to be three, I'd like to know how to switch between them as when I hit zero, it only enters the view of my frontal camera(the first one I placed.) ...
The Colamarine's user avatar
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Blender 2.8 does not render current camera view [duplicate]

Why doesn't blender 2.8 render the view from the currently selected camera; this view: produces: How can I render an image viewed from a specific camera?
Sebi's user avatar
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Cycle through camera views [duplicate]

My scene has multiple cameras. Is there a way to cycle through camera views with a hot key, or a script?
Tom Berghuis's user avatar
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Change start time for each camera [duplicate]

I struggle with this problem - I want to get one animation from two or more points of view - to render this in one cycle I want to get 100 frames from one camera, switch to another one, get time to ...
Cheshire Cat's user avatar
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How can make the camera active? [duplicate]

How to add an other camera and make it active How can toggle between the two cameras?
Nasro Galili's user avatar
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How can I switch layers during animation? [duplicate]

I have 3 layers with 3 objects and 3 cameras. Layer 1: cube + camera1 Layer 2: uv sphere + camera2 Layer 3: torus + camera3 camera1 is active from 1 to 79 frame. camera2 is active from 80 to 159 ...
Mark's user avatar
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Render view incorrect (Maybe) [duplicate]

I have a file that includes Camera Animation. It renders the animation fine or a single frame after selection. What I want to do though is manipulate my viewport view and render that as a single ...
cgts's user avatar
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Is there a way to move specific keyframes from the layout timeline directly into the video editor? [duplicate]

Currently, I only know that I should export out the frames as an image sequence to my computer and then import the image sequence back into Blender's video editor. It's fine for simpler animations but ...
Ming's user avatar
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189 votes
10 answers

What's the quickest, easiest way to point the camera somewhere in blender?

Often I want to just point the camera to an object or a specific area in my scene to get an idea of how it'll look in the render. What's the most painless hassle-free way to do this in blender? A ...
greatwolf's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to set multiple camera views in one scene?

Is it possible to have several different views of one scene and set them as named "presets"?
NeverGiveUp's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to quick toggle cameras?

Let's say I have 4 cameras on a scene: I would like to render with the first camera, see what it looks like, then switch to the "next" camera quickly and see what that render looks like. Currently, ...
SoluableNonagon's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Render Multiple Images from Multiple Cameras Simultaneously

I would like to be able to render images from 12+ cameras all in one click. How would one accomplish this?
John Wesley's user avatar
20 votes
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How do I cycle through the camera views?

When reviewing the existing cameras of a scene, is there a way to quickly cycle through the views of all cameras?
kr1's user avatar
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8 votes
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how to take images with multiple cameras with Script?

To be clear i want a script, which produces what i am describing below. I want to iterate through all the cameras in my scene where each one renderes an image. I can do this manually by rendering with ...
Artmole's user avatar
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Different Cameras on different Viewports ? Blender 2.8

How to get this different cameras in different viewports in blender 2.8? From docuemntaion: "Local Camera Active camera used in this view to override the (global) scene camera. The option is ...
Dawid Ryś's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to capture the viewport in Blender the same way as it is on 3DS Max?

I know that by default I can render the viewport and everithing that is in the viewport to be the same as in the render. But, when comparing 3DS Max to Blender, I have certain limitations. In Blender ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Add camera at random position through Python

I am using Blender for the first time. Currently, I have a basic scene with a camera and some light sources present. What I would like to do is to add a second camera that is located at a random ...
JNevens's user avatar
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7 votes
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Camera does not change it's position

I'm having this weird problem with my camera in which I can only render from a certain position that is not the one on the camera. It's like the view got detached from the camera and I can't change it....
Douglas Rosa's user avatar
4 votes
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camera different position/view on render

I position my camera close to my object. In "Camera Persp" I see my object very close. This is what I want. Now when I hit F12 to render my object, but it always renders from a wrong distance/position ...
juFo's user avatar
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Is there a way to batch render images from several cameras?

There is one scene, but several cameras and I would like to render this over night to have one image per camera (no animation). Is this possible? I don't see a command-line switch to select which ...
Arek's user avatar
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How to "activate" some camera, i.e. view through it?

Suppose, I have some camera in the scene and I want to view scene throug this camera. How to do this? First I read this should be done by Ctrl Numpad 0. It worked ...
Dims's user avatar
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Multi Cams at the same time in the same Scene

I really would like to set a Scene on which I have 2 or more Views that represent 2 or more Cameras at the same time but I'm not able to reach my targert. Each time that I select a different cam, all ...
MikeIT's user avatar
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How to white out screen with a flare

I am trying to do a short video intro. The camera will follow a straight path through a circle, then I want the screen to flash completely white. I have the camera set up to follow the path. Now how ...
Saemund's user avatar
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0 votes
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Camera movement shows in viewport but not in render animation

I'm trying to render my animation, but the camera movement doesn't show when clicking on Render Animation. The camera stays still ignoring the keyframes. I've unchecked the sequencer in post-...
B. Muir's user avatar
5 votes
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Cycles render is blank and camera object changes

I have this problem where my scene render is blank, and I think I've figured out why, but it's weird. I set my scene camera to the actual camera object: But when I press f12 the render is blank. Not ...
Levi J's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to animate cuts between shots?

I'm having a surprising amount of difficulty finding an answer to a rather simple question... I've worked out how to animate things in Blender. But I'm having trouble putting cuts into the animation. ...
MathematicalOrchid's user avatar
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How to set frame range independently for each camera

blend file which contains multiple camera. Each of this camera will render its own specific frame range. How can i do this without each time have to edit the global frame range ?
andio's user avatar
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How to execute multiple animation node trees over time in a single scene?

I'm trying to work out how to execute two seperate node trees (with different falloff settings) within the same scene on the same objects for different camera angles... is it possible to start and ...
Dan's user avatar
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