Linked Questions

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How do I make sunlight emit between clouds? [duplicate]

Many tutorials show how to make mist and have light go through a window and it's pretty straightforward, however, what puzzles me is how do you do that when you emit beams of light between clouds? ...
Eric Huelin's user avatar
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Creating Batman Symbol Spotlight [duplicate]

How can I use the spotlight in blender to cast shadows such and the batman symbol, or other "cool" lighting effects. I went into the compositor and tried assigning it a material, but that didn't work.
Starius's user avatar
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How to make sunbeams in blender?

I was working on a something and I thought, wouldn't sunbeams look great with this. So I searched in google and everywhere but didn't find any answer. So my question is how to make sunbeams in blender?...
EvilAsuratos's user avatar
13 votes
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Creating volumetric lighting (crepuscular rays) in Cycles

Crepuscular rays (a.k.a. "god rays" and many other names) can be created in Blender Internal by checking the Halo checkbox in the lamp properties box. How can I create a similar effect using Cycles?
Mercury's user avatar
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How to create a hologram projection with light rays?

I am attempting to make a template for holographic effects in blender for a project I'm working on, however I'm not sure how to create a lighting effect for the projection of the hologram (The god ...
Sookendestroy's user avatar
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Using volumetrics in Cycles I have to have the light strength super high

I have to have a spot lamp strength VERY VERY high to have these light rays come through 300000.0 and look good. Sounds crazy doesn't it. Maybe it doesn't matter but it doesn't feel right. Will I ...
yodamon's user avatar
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How can a light cone (volumetric) be setup with cycles?

I tried to reproduce the results from the Docs on volumetric lighting unfortunately the video link is broken. And I might have overlooked some related settings. The spot light is barley visible on ...
stacker's user avatar
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Creating a light beam

I need a light beam, something like this: I tried it, but the emmision shader dosen't work that way now - when I make make a simple ...
aky-her's user avatar
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How to make light pass through hole?

How do I make light go through a half-moon shape hole so it can create a half moon? I wasn't seeing any light come out even though I played around with the strength and put a plane in front of it. No ...
ShiningLuna's user avatar
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Cycles smoke always better in viewport compared to render

I'm trying to figure out why my renders don't have the same color as my viewport. When rendering I almost have no color and in the viewport is the result that I'm looking for. Viewport: similar ...
juFo's user avatar
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Cycles & Blender Render for God Beams / Crepuscular Rays / Sun Beams

I'm having trouble getting the actual beam of light to show in the render of my image. What I want to do is create an image that looks like this: However, In blender render I am unable to get the ...
Weston Uram's user avatar
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I was wondering how you'd go about creating a visible cone of light that fades [duplicate]

I was wondering if it was possible to do something like this but also apply the effect used in this to the cone of light in Cycles. I was told by someone else that I need volumetrics, but I'm not ...
Jex's user avatar
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