
I'm following Blender guru's Anvil tutorial. After using Boolean I cleaned up the extra vertices. Edge flow looks fine on my mesh.

However, when I apply a Subdivision Surface modifier my mesh becomes really messy as if something is wrong with the edge flow.

Can you guys help spot the problem?

Mesh topology:

enter image description here

Subdivision issue:

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


Even though your edge flow looks good from the side, the base of your mesh is apparently made by a single big N-gon.

Compare the subdivision of a quad base vs a n-gon base:

enter image description here

You should remove your base face and replace it with carefully created quadrilaterals.


Here's what I did:

I deleted the bottom face, selected the border and capped it. I then used the Knife tool to create quads at the bottom ( i dont know how to create them automatically without having to use the Knife tool. Still having issues.

enter image description here

enter image description here


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