Linked Questions

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How to read excel file and use as coordinates in python code? [duplicate]

Currently this is the excel file: How do I use python to import the file and get it to read it so that it effectively reads it as: x, y, z, l, m, n, p, q, r = 5000, 300, 2700, 0.2, -1, 0.1, 0, 0, 0 ...
newblender's user avatar
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Read csv file (converted from excel) and set variables x,y,z etc as the cell values [duplicate]

How to set cell values as x,y,z,l,m,n,p,q,r variables in python without using pandas (ignore second set of coordinates) So x=5000, y=300, z=2700, l=0.2, m=-1, n=0.1, p=0, q=0, r=0
newblender's user avatar
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making 3d surface using list of vertices coordinates [duplicate]

i want to animate a changing 3d surface (i.e. an ocean wave). the surface cannot be defined with a single z function and instead I have been defining as a list of coordinates that lie on the surface. ...
O. M.W.'s user avatar
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How can I create a 3D model of the CIELAB color space? [duplicate]

My professor and I are trying to create and print a 3D model of the CIELAB color space for one of my Master's studies. He has provided me with a CSV of the color space's data points (which you can ...
Erin Clark's user avatar
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Code for creating a mesh from a collection of points in Blender [duplicate]

I have a set of points in a text file that define the edges of a solid object. Each line in the file is a collection of points (x,y,z) which form a closed loop. Stacking these loops forms the object. ...
MadPhysicist's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Csv Import pointcloud into Blender

I have 24 points which correspond to 12 different "elements" (2 points per element) saved in an .csv file with the following column order (1: Element Name, 2: x, 3: y, 4: z). I would like to import ...
digit's user avatar
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Plot single vertices based on xy coordinates from CSV file

I'm aware there are numerous posts/questions already been raised on this, but upon reading the previous posts, I'm not quite able to find exactly what I'm looking for. So apologies if there's a ...
Hazzaldo's user avatar
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How to create mesh surface using csv datapoints?

I have a csv data which contains x, y, z columns. I want to visualize this data as a surface mesh. From the csv file, I can load the data via csv mesh Importer add-on in Blender 2.5 and Statistical ...
rasunag27's user avatar
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How to create faces/edges from vertices/points?

I can easily delete the faces and edges using delete only edges & faces option. It would be nice to have the possibility to reverse this operation. Is there a way to create an universal script ...
Paul Gonet's user avatar
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Geometry Nodes - Point Cloud from custom XYZ coordinates?

I'd like to create a point cloud using the Geometry Node Editor based on my own custom data. The data is stored in a .txt file, plain [x,y,z] coordinates and looks like this: ...
Petra Svobodova's user avatar
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Mesh from CSV data

I trying to create a mesh from GPS lat&long coordinates combined with WiFi RSSI data. When imported the data looks like this I've been playing around with different ways to create a solid mesh, ...
Warni's user avatar
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How to clip a grid of height points within a polygon base shape?

I'm very new to blender, but have some scripting background. I have some height measurements for a surface. (z values for x,y coordinates) I was able to use Python's scipy.interpolate.griddata to ...
gelonida's user avatar
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Turning a csv with RGB values into a 3D array

I have a csv file with lots of RGB colours (in 3 columns, r, g, b). I want to use that data to make an array of cubes, one cube per RGB value. I want to use the RGB to specify the x,y,z coordinates ...
RobNUL's user avatar
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Create Group of Cylinders from a TXT file [duplicate]

I need to visualize a large group (say 200, 300) of cylinders from coordinates stored in a text file. One cylinder per line, defined by X1,Y1,Z1 and X2,Y2,Z2 (start and end), and by a diameter. Is ...
Nelson's user avatar
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import positions and orientation into a camera [duplicate]

hello I have a list of positions and orientations in the form of x y z, and rotX, rotY,rotZ I have a script in my game that saves the position of my camera each frame and I need to play that back in a ...
mark's user avatar
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