Linked Questions

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Distribute Points on Faces and Geometry Proximity

The sphere in the screenshot below was done in an older version of Blender. How can I recreate this using the current nodes in Blender like the Distribute Points on Faces node and Geometry Proximity ...
Robert Hintz's user avatar
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blur attribute in blender 3.12?

i am working on a project in blender 3.12 i have instances scattered on an object and i want to "blur" the normals of these instances. i need variable blur, so that in some areas the ...
Walter's user avatar
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Python scripting a custom Geometry Node to generate another Geometry Nodes

I am scripting a custom Geometry Nodes(hosted by “Cube”) with python to initiate another Geometry Node from another object(i.e. Plane). I tried this using a template searched from the internet. I didn’...
Patrick's user avatar
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How to replace Attribute Vector Math in this situation?

Here I am following a tutorial (the hand reveal) where Entagma uses the Attribute Vector Math in Geometry Nodes in Blender 2.93.0 beta but I don't see it anymore in Blender 4.0 and, my question is, ...
Nexgen's user avatar
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Which blender experimental build has the extrude geometry node [closed]

There are several tutorials that include an extrude node but no matter what experimental build I download, including the ones linked in the video, I can't find it. Here is one of the tutorials I'm ...
Hank The Tank's user avatar
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Converting some old point distribute point instance nodes to the new version of Blender 3.4.1

I'm trying to convert some old nodes point distribute, point instance, randomize attribute nodes to the new version of Blender 3.4.1 but I'm having some difficulty of converting the functionality over....
Rick T's user avatar
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Geo nodes are not there in the add menu

I'm trying to learn geometry nodes and I feel like it would be very helpful to know where all the nodes are in the add menu rather than having to search by name. Specifically in the tutorial I'm ...
James Dunbar's user avatar
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Attribute sample texture in Blender 3.0?

I'm following this tutorial (time 1.55). I use Blender 3.6.2 The tutor uses Attribute Sample Texture in this case, I do not know how to obtain the same result. Does anyone know how to do it? Expected ...
Quentin Heit's user avatar
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Morphism using geometry nodes without the Transfer node [duplicate]

In this new version of blender3.4 they take away the transfer node. How can we make a morphism without using it?
mack_hyuuga's user avatar

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