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Questions tagged [text-object]

Questions related to creating and manipulating Blender Text objects. Text objects are useful for quickly creating 3D text by typing on the keyboard.

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Align text to curve line and camera rotation

I am looking for a solution where my text is aligned to the camera and rotated to be aligned with a curve line or mesh line in 3D space. It is part of a technical dimensions system I am working on.
Roel Deden's user avatar
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Change (rename) original text object in scene after applying dissolve attributes

I'm new to Blender. I have a scene with a text object (Happy Birthday) in caps, which has dissolve/particles animation applied. After all the attributes are applied, I cannot change or rename the ...
Kaiju's user avatar
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Properly fit a 3D-text into a box/mesh

does anyone have a good idea how to properly fit a 3D-Text into a box which is deformed in all axis? This target box results out of another mesh, basically I want to fit a text properly into a ring ...
Thomas Siegl's user avatar
-2 votes
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Remesh Text FPS Low (0.16)

I'm trying to animate a text with a wave modifier so I have to remesh the text for the animation to work properly. But everytime I try to play the animation my FPS go to 0.16 or less. If I try to hide ...
Sofía Jordán Quevedo's user avatar
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Exported SVGs plots fonts twice

I'm using Blender to plot patterns with the Freestyle SVG export and SignCut Pro for plotting. It works great for lines, but it always traces over any text twice. I've tried using single-line fonts, ...
Fionnuala McMullin's user avatar
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Curve Text AND be able to export to Roblox Studio

I'm modelling various signs for a Roblox Studio project and I've just learned about different ways to use text to achieve this. One of the signs I'm making involves text going in a circle (like a logo ...
Matthattan's user avatar
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How to keep text always facing to viewport?

How to keep texts always align to viewport? I mean viewport, not a camera. Just like this
Refone's user avatar
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Bad Text render at large scale (EVEE). Cycle is fine [duplicate]

This is a very large text, around 500 meter. In EVEE it does not render properly. Clip end is set to 8000 meter so it should not be the issue. I have tried some basic setting like resolution etc and ...
Waqas Aziz's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I rotate curved text 90 degrees around the face of a coin?

I'm using Blender 4.2.0 (that just got released.) I am very new to blender. I have extruded text and modified it to fit around a curve on the face of a cylinder (coin). No matter what I rotate though, ...
Dragonforge Development's user avatar
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Bevel/Blend base of embossed text

i want to emboss this text and 3d print it. ive added the text just how i want it to appear, but want a smooth transition from the object to the text base. currently the text and the object are ...
Tim N's user avatar
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Edit Text in a Model from Sketchfab

I'm completely new to Blender and have spent the past 8 hours trying to figure it out without much success. I've searched extensively online, watched numerous videos, and read articles related to my ...
Joe Dunn's user avatar
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How do you gradually blend between transparency based on a geometry?

I've some text geometry that I want to gradually fade out based on some geometry (two boxes in this case). Any suggestions on how to achieve such a effect? EDIT: Here is a blend file based on Jakemoyo ...
Ron's user avatar
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Is there any way to engrave text into a cube and keep the text editable?

I have created a cube, which is styled as a stone. Also I have created a (styled) text object with extrusion, which I would like to engrave into the cube until about half the thickness of the cube. ...
Torsten Knodt's user avatar
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Text Blender error

The letter Q gets inverted when I write with blender. I think I'm doing the right thing. First create text. Puts gemoetry on the text. Conventions text to mesh. Clicks on the object the text should be ...
jimmy johnsson's user avatar
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What is the best way to import SVG text and extrude without random n-gons? [duplicate]

Why does text always do this? Is there way to import SVG text in a cleaner way? This causes problems while extruding and smoothing.
Sujan Sundareswaran's user avatar
2 votes
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Text along curve or circle with Geometry Nodes

I'm trying to align text along a circle or curve using Geometry Nodes, but it's very messy. Where did I go wrong? (Blender v 4.1.0)
arachnoden's user avatar
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Why is my cube disappearing when I add a difference boolean with a mesh created from text?

I've been following this tutorial. While it is old, I'm working on the assumption that boolean operations are a pretty fundemental feature and won't have changed much. I'm using Blender 4.1. I have a ...
Quentin's user avatar
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How do I detect and fix overlapping geometry in 3d text

I'm creating a text object for use in a boolean modifier but I'm having trouble because the letters are overlapping, causing the modifier to fail: Because the overlapping vertices are all exactly on ...
The Gribble's user avatar
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What are good practices when retopologizing text?

I am trying to add proper topology to text so I can do a beveled edge and a boolean extrude from a shape later on. I am following this video, however I find it pretty confusing when it comes to ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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How can I place text over image to make it look like placed on object?

I need to add text to this image: but I want it to look like it placed on the road, so I'll have needed distortion and angle. How can I do this? I can't afford a photoshop (can't do it with other ...
Сергей's user avatar
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Transform text in GeoNodes using global orientation?

I want to transform and alter (live) text (not converted to a mesh) using global orientation. The problem is that text is created facing the Z axis (back row of image) and geometry node transforms on ...
Zero Dean's user avatar
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Reduce text width to 0 (internal wire)

I'm unable to find even a starting point to this problem, so any guidance of any sort would be awesome. First a short paragraph on fonts. Fonts From what I know, fonts in general are described as (...
Lutzi's user avatar
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Chiseled text - how to go from 2d quads to raised center

UPDATED: linked a new .blend with references packed. My apologies! I'm very new to modeling, and I need to try to recreate a particular V (a client's logo, the Photoshop fake 3d chisel look), getting ...
AnonymousMartin's user avatar
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How can I make this shape with Displacement modifier

In my previous post, I learnt how to use the displacement modifier, adding an Alpha PNG shape. @moonboots, explained to me how to use this method. The circle pattern shape turned out well on a flat ...
blender breath's user avatar
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How can I display a bpy.types.Text custom properties in the interface?

Re an interesting question in another Q&A : bpy.types.Text, which inherits bpy.types.ID, supports custom properties. It is possible to access, read,...
Gorgious's user avatar
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Creating Volcano/Funnel Shape Around SVG Contour in Blender

I'm currently attempting to create a volcano or funnel shape around the contour of an SVG, incorporating either a logo or text. My goal is to extrude all the contours in such a way that it resembles a ...
JDCM's user avatar
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Text Following Path Animation Not Exporting

I'm currently working in Blender for my thesis to create animations to export as an FBX to be used in the VR program Simlab VR. I created an animation where text follows a path, but in two ways. First ...
Faye Arranz's user avatar
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How to write a text superscript

How can I write part of a text as superscript in blender? It looks like I cannot. So what will I do? Write it in Word and then transfer it as image to blender? I hope it is not complicated.
upstream's user avatar
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Simple way to separate Text in blender

I am trying to make the whole alphabet together as one piece and mesh it, then make each letter its own item. When I do this with what I do know it makes each letter in 3 different pieces and you can ...
Spring Nielson's user avatar
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When exporting my video in blender there is this strange secondary text I cannot see in my viewport? [duplicate]

I am trying to export the video of the text on the (top picture) and it looks normal but when I go to render there is this secondary text (bottom picture) and is in the way of my render as it is ...
seanpfett's user avatar
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How to distribute text evenly

I have some text I need to type out, and distribute evenly. I used the Array modifier, thinking I can make as many duplicates I need, add the space between the text, and then add the modifier and ...
blender breath's user avatar
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img to mesh in blender?

I have to create 3d text(mesh) from this image in blender, in order to create and 3d print a sign: But how can I convert the text in the image into a curve/mesh?
Dario Gallo's user avatar
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My text looks metallic and reflective on Material preview mode, but not on render view mode [duplicate]

So I'm trying to make a simple animation for the "Avengers" text logo. I'm trying to make the border of the letters metallic and silvery and the center of the letters Red. In Material view ...
Yonatan Vizel's user avatar
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Engraving text into surface

Hello fellow Blenderers, I'm trying to recreate a seatbelt buckle for a car. Like this: But when it comes to creating the red button I'm having a hard time with engraving "PRESS" on it. My ...
JB1990's user avatar
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How do I reverse rigid body?

I used rigid body a text to make it fall down. After it finishes falling, i want to make it to look like it’s rewinding itself to before fall state Any idea or tips on how to do this?
Edgar Krisna Yoga's user avatar
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Add object on mesh face, geometry node

I ask for help in solving my problem. It is important for me to understand which nodes to use to calculate the location of an object's face and which bundle to transfer and indicate this position to ...
Ramzez's user avatar
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Need help applying downloaded material to custom "3d" text in blender

Update: My text geometry was not UV wrapped. Although my text geometry has no editable faces in the UV editor if anyone can help with that!! still new to blender lol Update 2: Selected all vertices ...
Blake Simmons's user avatar
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How does one create 2D speech bubbles with tails that follow a specific position relative to some other object?

i.e. in this YouTube video: The speech bubble tails follow the figures' heads and seem to resize, yet the speech bubble itself looks flat ...
andrew g's user avatar
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Letter shadow and letter alignment problem

I got a job and I need to add shadow to the text as in the image. But there are two problems here: 1- The middle of the shadow is very dark, while the rest of it is darker. How can I set this? I want ...
Ömer Faruk Metin's user avatar
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Mesh boolean in Geometry Nodes is slow, any alternatives or workarounds available?

I wanted some basic boolean operations for a few title animations. Here's one where I use a pie animation to reveal the text underneath But using Mesh boolean makes the scene lag so much. Is there a ...
jugaadanimation's user avatar
2 votes
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Get "number of lines in a string" as a value in Geometry Nodes

I have this node setup that takes a string and divides them into lines by using the special characters node to replace space " " with a line break. I wanted a numerical value of the number ...
jugaadanimation's user avatar
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Bend extruded text

New try (10/24, 3PM): Hello! I set both the shape and curve origins to the World Origin (0,0), but I'm not sure if that's the right spot for both. When I try to animate the 'Follow Path' constraint, ...
J13's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the character lengths of each word of a string in Geometry Nodes

I want the character length of each word of a string. Is this possible procedurally? My idea was to divide them into lines, but I can't get to separate the lines into individual strings.
jugaadanimation's user avatar
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How do I move individual words in a string in Geometry Nodes

In the above image, how can I move individual words (not letters) in a string. For example, I only want to move the word "DISPLAY" up and down, how can I do that?
jugaadanimation's user avatar
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Curved text is not perpendicular to the curve

I made text that is curved according to a curve using Curve modifier placed on the text. For some reason, individual letters of the text are not perpendicular to the curve (as I would expect) but are ...
fafa's user avatar
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How would I insert a certain text on my object

I’m creating a ds lite model and asked my self how I could insert the text on the back (picture 1) on my model? Would I just retype the text and try to search a similar font or is there a easier way ...
Sarah Ba's user avatar
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Geometry Nodes: Fonts with Overlapping Shapes Problem

Fonts with overlapping shapes are broken, the intersection becomes a hole, how can I fill these?
samawaat's user avatar
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Random spikes with the Antique Roman font [duplicate]

So I noticed a very niche problem when using an Antique Roman font that causes random spike to jut out of letters when using a round bevel of any depth. Is there any way to get around this (I'm trying ...
Decepticon Soundwave's user avatar
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Having trouble with engraving cursive text, where only a couple letters are being removed. How do you think I can fix this?

Let me preface this by saying that I'm still very new to Blender, so I don't know all the tricks and terms. So I am following along with this YouTube tutorial to engrave text in a mesh in my model. I ...
Kevin Halliday's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I set the Z axis rotation of a text to face a face which is I selected?

As a dice builder, I want to set Z rotation axis of the text which you see in the image to the face which I selected. But how ?
ʈɦɘ ʙɑɕʞ's user avatar

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