Linked Questions

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Is it possible to change the animation length of many Rigid Bodies? [duplicate]

I have made a scene with many Rigid Body objects (1500 rectangular solids), which all operate correctly. However I now want to lengthen the animation period from the default 250 frames to a more ...
J Sargent's user avatar
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Physics simulation stops at frame 250 [duplicate]

I am working on a gravity simulation in Blender of objects falling to the ground. The frame period starts from 1 to 250, and I started the gravity simulation by clicking "play". I somehow changed the ...
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Can I increase the number of frames in an rigid body simulation? [duplicate]

Every time I am making a simulation it is stopping at 250. Why? I want to make it 400 or something. Can I even do that? I tried increasing the frames at the menu bar where object mode at ...
Subhodeep Mukherjee's user avatar
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Bouncing ball stops bouncing after 250 seconds [duplicate]

I have this simple setup of a sphere and a plane. The sphere is animated the first 15 seconds and then the rigid body is turned to dynamic. When the sphere hits the plane it starts bouncing and ...
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Keyframe on force strength not working past frame 100 [duplicate]

I am making an animation and I need to explode an object so I did a cell fracture then gave the pieces a rigid body as active and it seems to work ok. I then added a force field force. I want the ...
Stive's user avatar
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All falling objects freeze - why? [duplicate]

Hi there I have spent about an hour making some edits to my project only to find that for some reason all the cubes, that I had set to fall and bounce on the plane, now simply hover in mid air. I ...
Quentrell Disguise's user avatar
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How can i let my rigid body simulations continue for longer? [duplicate]

My timeline will only go upto 350 frames then the simulation will end. I have tried to increase the end time for it but it will not work is there another way i can do this?
Rei's user avatar
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No animation after 250th frame [duplicate]

Iam new to blender. Iam making a dominoes falling animation. I have set start frame 1 and end frame 350 but after 250th frame it stops falling and there is no animation happening
lean's user avatar
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Why does smoke stop working after 250 frames? [duplicate]

I've tried a lot of the videos, how to's answers in here on how to get the smoke to run past ~150 frames, nothing works, bake I tried too. using cycle render and particles, Domaine smoke cache set to ~...
uxserx-bw's user avatar
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rigid body constraints and animation length [duplicate]

blender offers 250 frames for rigid body object animation. Is there a way to increase this number?
popol's user avatar
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Can't lengthen animation timeline [duplicate]

I'm trying to do a simple animation, but for some reason the length of time is stuck on 250 frames, even if I put it to 800 (or whatever). I see this orange strip under the 250. The action stops at ...
Larry Landolfi's user avatar
12 votes
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How can I make my animation play for longer than 250 Frames?

I'm trying to find the settings that allow me to see longer previews of my animations when I play the animation with ALTA. The animations default to only 250 frames long, but I'd like them to be ...
user2963603's user avatar
9 votes
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How to make a Rigid Body fall off a conveyor belt?

I've created conveyor belt and and two objects with rigid body physics. But the first object won't fall and second object falls backwards. How can I fix it? Video of the problem Blend file
haidarvm's user avatar
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how to reset dynamic/physic simulation at frame other than 0?

I have a dynamic (rigid body) simulation, but my animation range is from frame 584 to 716. So i don't start from frame 0. The problem is i can't start the simulation because i have to go to frame 0 ...
andio's user avatar
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Change the start frame and end frame of a bake in Blender using script [duplicate]

I am doing a cloth simulation. After baking I realize that the required simulation comes to an end in the 40th frame itself but it keeps simulating till the 250th frame. Now I am able to change the ...
Sum-Al's user avatar
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