Linked Questions

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How to pack images into blend file [duplicate]

Is there a way to pack all my images into the blend file so I can transfer it more easily? I'm using the version 2.8
cloud 4design's user avatar
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Transfering blender to new pc [duplicate]

How do i transfer everything from my old laptop to my new laptop? I want all my blender projects exactly like they where on my old pc. I tried transferring one blend file, but it ended up missing some ...
yoompie's user avatar
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How do I transfer .blend files to a new PC and still keep all the materials? [duplicate]

I have been using my laptop for the longest time with blender. I recently got a new PC. When I copied the .blend file and dropped it in my new PC, no materials were on my mesh. How do I fix this??
Josh Buchwald's user avatar
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Transfer Blend files into a different location: How to avoid missing files/textures/etc? [duplicate]

I need to reorganise my blender folder and move it to another PC and I am afraid that i might lose some linked texture/image sequences/etc that are used in the .blend files. What should i do to avoid ...
Alex's user avatar
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Moving folders has confused blender paths [duplicate]

I needed to tidy the files I am using in my blender project. After doing so blender doesnt know how to find the files as the path they were on has changed. What can I do with blender to make sure it ...
Vyvyan Mar's user avatar
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doing animation in one laptop and render it in another is this possible? [duplicate]

I had made a big animation in my laptop but now the problem is the process of rendering, I can't render in my laptop because it is 2GB RAM. So is it possible to copy it in another laptop and render it?...
Sumanth Kulkarni's user avatar
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How do I reconnect image to a Blender project [duplicate]

I Have a Blender project that I saved to a USB but that contains reference images and image texture. The image appear normal on my own computer but every time I use a different computer the Imager ...
Sp00kie6000's user avatar
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is there a way to make blender look for textures in the current directory?

I constantly move folders around and every time all texture files are pointing in the wrong directory and are missing
feca's user avatar
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How to export Blender file so it can be opened with the textures on another machine? [duplicate]

Basically, my client wants to open the Blender file I'm working on but every time I send him the blender file he manually has to connect the textures with the objects. Is there any way he can just ...
Stjepan's user avatar
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is it possible to keep the texture attached to my project?

every time i remove a texture from a file it also vanish from my project and it get replaced with a pink texture instead is there a possible way to keep the texture attached to my project even if i ...
NiceSHowMoe's user avatar
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'Pack into Blend' doesn't include .Mov Files

brand new to blender, having jumped ship from Davinci Resolve/Fusion in order to make a music video in a 3d environment. Loving the workflow so far, but have hit on one big snag straight away. The ...
Samsara_71's user avatar
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How can I send someone a .blend file with cache folder included?

I've been trying to send a person my .blend file with an external cache folder (.bphys format) to render a fire for me, and when he opens it, he can't connect the two. Any solutions?
Mason's user avatar
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Moved folders, now PNGs are pink, how do I restore?

I decided to clean up my desktop and I moved all the folders into one folder, including the folder holding all my Blender files. I opened a Blender file and saw that the objects that are textured ...
WishyQ's user avatar
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How to manage file sharing with dependencies across team members?

I just joined a team where previously only one person worked to create models. Now we have two, and soon more. My question is somewhat two parts. 1) As part of my on-boarding, I'm working with ...
kaw's user avatar
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