Linked Questions

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object is no longer moving smoothly [duplicate]

I do not know what I did to make it do this, if anything. After creating an eye. I went back to my other object to palce it inside of it. Resized eye. But now when I try to move it into place it moves ...
uxserx-bw's user avatar
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how to turn off jumping by parts when moving (snapping) [duplicate]

I accidently somehow enabled jumping when moving objects (when you move an object it moves by short and precise steps) and I don't know how to disable it.
aky-her's user avatar
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Moving in steps or smoothly, changing the default settings [duplicate]

By default when you are grabbing part of a mesh you can move it around smoothly or you can press the Ctrl key to move it in steps. Somehow I pressed something I wasn't supposed to and now it moves in ...
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Everything snapping to grid after some accident hotkey. Precise changes available only when I'm holding CTRL [duplicate]

My cat jumped on the keyboard, and now everything keeps snapping to grid. For example, I create and grab new primitive, or extrude vertex, and if I'm not holding Ctrl, it will not move until I move ...
Vladimir Sky's user avatar
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Lagging/glitching when moving things [duplicate]

When moving things, it almost seems like it's lagging or I'm moving in specific grids, it's hard to explain, watch the gif:
gabe's user avatar
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Mesh only moves in Blender units [duplicate]

Im new to blender, so please explain the answer clearly. I don't know what I did, but now, my meshes only move in Blender Units - it's understandably annoying. The only way they move more or less ...
Peter's user avatar
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My object is not moving smoothly, but in increments of one unit [duplicate]

What is preventing my objects from moving smoothly? Instead of moving slowly and precisely, the object moves by one unit .
noeleedo's user avatar
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Can't move Objects just a little bit [duplicate]

When I want to move sth or to scale an object, I can't move it just a little bit, it jumps to certain positions and I don't know why...
Mysth's user avatar
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Translation is stuck in increments, how do I set back to free movement? [duplicate]

I am a beginner. I am trying to translate in the Z axis, the problem is that I only want to translate less than a square but when I move the mouse, it translate 1 full square. How I can deactivate ...
D4rWiNS's user avatar
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I think I pressed something by accident, and now my regular movements are jittery. [duplicate]

Normally when I press the "g" key everything is smooth. But suddenly as I was working on my model. Everything is moving very jittery and I cant control anything that is happening. The vertices would ...
Theprogrammingnoob's user avatar
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Transformation amount locked [duplicate]

Every time I try to animate my rig, the amount I can move the arrow transformation is fixed so I can't make any small adjustments. How can I fix this?
Dana's user avatar
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Extrusion is extruding in large increments [duplicate]

My problem is that I am working on a project, but when I extrude in it it extrudes in large increments instead of extruding smoothly.Why is this so? In my other projects the extrusion works just fine.
Blender_User's user avatar
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Can only Extrude or move vertices/edges in a pre-set distance [duplicate]

I just started using blender yesterday to model a character. I got through most of the head but now, every time I want to move vertices/edges or extrude, I cannot do it properly. If I try, it moves at ...
Chris's user avatar
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vertex jumping to some point in edit mode [duplicate]

So I just started learning blender from the Blender guru: Blender Beginner Tutorial Series. I am at part 4 where he wants to edit the icing of the donut. I wanted to try to move it too with pressing g-...
Thomaach's user avatar
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Blender edit mode will only let it move stuff at intervals [duplicate]

I am new to blender and using Blender in 2D. I was just in edit mode moving things around, and then it would only let me move things at certain intervals. To clarify, I could move things, but it would ...
Julian's user avatar
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