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Different render per layers? [duplicate]

I have like 15 Layers, and a other one with light. I need to render the 15 layers separate but still keeping the light from the apart layer. And i need to leave the computer rendering in the weekend ...
beavoru's user avatar
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Export Compositor image and rendered image as two layers in the same file [duplicate]

I am wondering if there is a way to output a single image file that contains two layers: one with the rendered image, and one with the composited image. This would be useful when importing renders in ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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How can I get a Depth of field render pass?

How can one make a render pass with black and white data to display depth of field based on the Settings > Camera dof settings? I want to blur or defocus in the compositor, similar to the way it is ...
dimitarsp's user avatar
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How can I render all render passes to files in Cycles?

How can I render all render passes for all of the frames of an animation in Cycles to different files or a file with multiple layers? I'm going to do the final compositing in another compositing ...
Rumata's user avatar
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Is there a way to export each rendered layer as its own image?

My scene uses multiple render layers. I'd like to edit each rendered layer in Photoshop, and composite it in Photoshop. Is there a way to export each layer as an individual image?
OroNZ's user avatar
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Why is the default image format for saving renders is in PNG?

I have been using Blender for a while now and I notice something that seem unusual at least to me. An obvious format is JPG because it's very common despite its flaws. EXR is pretty much the opposite ...
DS89's user avatar
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Difference between OpenEXR and OpenEXR Multilayer file format?

What's the difference between the two EXR file formats? When should I use one over the other?
pakl's user avatar
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How do I stop the Compositor Output Node from overwriting my images on each new render?

Using the compositor node setup above, when I hit F12, it makes a new pass and the rendered images are automatically saved. The problem is that the new render erases the previous one that was saved in ...
Fox's user avatar
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Fastest way to export files multiple passes into folders?

What is the fastest way to export the files of multiple passes into a folder for the appropriate pass in Cycles? Is there any way to automate this process? For example, if you wanted to render: ...
Animatoring's user avatar
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Can I make a deep image with OpenEXR?

I went through the OpenEXR technical introduction found here: it says that besides multi-channel files, OpenEXR also allows for the creation of "deep" files: i.e. it allows for assigning multiple ...
Gnub's user avatar
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Combining .exr files?

Is it possible to composite multiple .exr files into a single .exr file? For example, if one .exr file contains several passes and another contains only one pass could they be combined to contained ...
Animatoring's user avatar
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How can I add inputs to a file output node?

New to Blender. How to add additional inputs to the file output node? This post doesn't explain: How can I render all render passes to files in Cycles?
realdanielh's user avatar
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Save Render and Shadow Layer Separately

I am trying to create a very simple product mockup using blender. I want to be able to save the actual product (cards) and the shadows as separate png files. I know this is possible, but I am just ...
user3167249's user avatar
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How to save a movie/animation to OpenEXR?

OpenEXR Multilayer can store many frames in one file, so it should be possible to store many render passes for the whole strip when rendering animation or movie. However when I check in Properties->...
dimus's user avatar
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Rendering to multichannel .exr has empty rgb layer

When I render to a mulitchannel .exr file and open it in Nuke, the rgb layer is always empty (black). Instead, the information for the beauty pass is found in a seperate layer called "combined". Why ...
realdanielh's user avatar

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