So I have an animated scene where the camera goes through a window into a house. The only issue is that the ceiling of the house is white (EDIT: it's actually not the ceiling, but the area lamp that's inside — see edit log at the bottom) while the camera looks into it from outside and I have no idea why. On top of that, a character's head is partially cut off, too - only when rendered through the glass.
[Rendered looking THROUGH the window]
[Rendered from INSIDE]
[This is what the scene looks like with the window plane hidden via "H"]
[These are the material properties of the glass. It's also been extruded.]
[And these are the materials of the house. Regular image textures UV unwrapped and assigned to the necessary faces.]
GPU rendering Cycles 1080*1920/25 Clamp direct: 1.11 Clamp indirect: 1.17 100 samples Bounces: between 5 and 0; Diffuse: 2; Glossy: 2; Transmission: 12 1/50 motion blur 256*256 spiral
The rest is set to default.
If you have any idea on how to solve this, please share it with me.