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Weird lines on normal map

How do I solve this? Weird lines on mesh. Set to non-color btw. [3
ToperPerson's user avatar
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Can i bake Toon shader (Shader to RBG) to a texture?

i made a cartoon model and now i need to create the textures to import to another game, but as you seen in the title, it's using Shader to RGB. I tried to bake it with emission and emit in cycles but ...
user145153's user avatar
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How do I make correctly a normal map from highpoly model for lowpoly?

I have highpoly model (without textures and materials): I want to move details from highpoly to lowpoly using NORMAL MAP As I understood it is necessary: I did baking normal map for lowpoly FROM ...
DredWolf's user avatar
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One face on the UV map is upside down

I have a simple Chimney model, but when I bake AO it looks like one of the faces is upside down: Shy is it happening and how can it be fixed? Thank you in advance!
Rumata's user avatar
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How to bake in cycles render?

I made this object and I'm trying to bake a diffuse texture so the textures will all be on 1 image but for the love of god nothing works. I made the object, I unwrapped it good, I have the image ...
HighKyle's user avatar
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4 answers

Achieve outline effect in texture

I want a texture to have the outlines of the mesh (not using the "Export Layout" feature in the UV editor). The outlines must be in the texture only (maintaining the the Original mesh). In the ...
Cássio Eudardo's user avatar