Linked Questions

3 votes
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Where is the Viewer node? [duplicate]

Where is the Viewer node located at? Blender manual says it is an Output node but it is not under output. I have blender 2.77. Regards, Koreenium
Koreenium's user avatar
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Node editor - I do not have Diffuse BSDF node available. Why? [duplicate]

Being really new to rendering things, I have little knowledge no how things work in Blender (texturing/rendering wise). Watching Firechild's tutorial on how to create a golden ring.... he does have ...
Peter Gašperan's user avatar
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I don't seem to have blur node, using v2.69 [duplicate]

Following along in tutorials I see the blur filter being used. I am using Blender 2.69 and I can't locate it visually or even with a search. Actually, there is no "Filters" category at all. Do I have ...
robmack's user avatar
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Nodes in the node editor are different than on tutorial [duplicate]

I'm new to blender and I'm trying to use the Volumetric light, I have watched some tutorials and none serves me, this for example I use the version 2.72 b ...
Angel Angel's user avatar
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Can't find the glow node [duplicate]

I am trying to add glow to windows on a spaceship design. however, I cannot find anywhere half of the nodes I am seeing online, such as glare or glow. I have textures on my model but turning to cycle ...
Cyanidewaffles's user avatar
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nodes missing from node editor [duplicate]

The default defuse node missing from node editor - i have tried repairing / did a reinstall -- changed the cycles render // chose use node editor from the material tab. Blender 2.78c. I cannot insert ...
The Naga Tanker's user avatar
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Why do I have no 'Shader' category when trying to add nodes? [duplicate]

I am a complete beginner. So, I might be dumb - sorry! I made a 3D model. Now, I want to work on its surface - which lead me to materials and shaders. So, I added a material and then opened the Node ...
Ajmal V Aliyar's user avatar
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Where on earth is the glare node? [duplicate]

I've been looking for the Glare node for hours... and I can't find it. Where in the settings is it?
Rogue Lotus 4's user avatar
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I don't have a Glass BSDF [duplicate]

I am new to blender and am trying to make a gemstone. I already have it modeled and am on to texturing but the tutorial I found uses a glass bsdf but I don't have one in my add node selection. I tried ...
Samuel Farmer's user avatar
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Add background image to render [duplicate]

I have a blender project that renders a transparent background. I would like to add a background image when rendering. I tried following this guide except for the part where they explain about the ...
nest's user avatar
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My Nodes have disappeared! [duplicate]

After rendering a very short animation (simple turntable) the nodes for the textures have disappeared. The "use nodes" is active in materials but nothing in the texture node editor window, ...
Romsey Cottage's user avatar
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Can't find the Material Output in Cycles! [duplicate]

I can't find both Diffuse BDSF and Material Output, i am in fact in cycles render. Here is an image to show Help would be highly appreciated since i can't really do anything without it at the moment....
TheCrowdedOne's user avatar
1 vote
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Why am I missing nodes in the 'Add node' menu?

I have the problem that my blender hasn't updated correctly and is stuck on version 2.78 while it says that it has version 2.79, the issue is that I'm missing nodes like image textures and diffuse ...
royal's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I add Material Output node when it does not show up automatically?

I'm in Cycles, with 'Use Nodes' selected and the basic node Material Output did not show up. How can I add Material Output it when it's not a menu option?
Marc's user avatar
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In the Shader Editor Add>Converter>Combine/Separate RGBA is not available

Blender 2.8 Manual at: shows that the combine/separate shader nodes uses RGBA and not just RGB my install ...
craab's user avatar
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