Linked Questions

19 votes
2 answers

Objects disappear when looking through camera [duplicate]

When I go to camera perspective, there are parts of my object that I can't see. I tried adding and deleting my camera a lot of times and positioning it so that the objects I would like to see on my ...
Rani O.'s user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Active camera have a short view distance,how do I increase it? [duplicate]

For some reason when I render or turn into active camera mode the mesh obj disappear as I move farther. I need help on how to increase that view range.
TXS's user avatar
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1 answer

Object clips in camera view [duplicate]

In my camera view my objects are clipped. I know the "default answer": clipping end value but I changed this already to 100000000 for the camera. The normal 3d view does not clip when I use 1000 end ...
Alexander Haase's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Not showing full model in rendered view and camera view after a certain distance [duplicate]

In my view port full model is showing, but in camera view and also in render view the full view of model is not showing.
Soumayadeep ganguly's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Plane won't show in camera/render [duplicate]

Big hill behind tree won't show in camera/render view.
hghjgjh's user avatar
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Problems with clipping [duplicate]

I've managed to get my animation to a point where it works properly, now I'm trying to render it. When I go to render, or even to the Camera View in the 3D view, the scene is clipped and none of my ...
John's user avatar
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How to make camera see long distances [duplicate]

I want the camera to see things that are far away. Ive tried increasing the clip but that does nothing. Can anyone help?
user68982's user avatar
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Part of my object disappears In camera view [duplicate]

Hi newbie in blender here. does anybody know how to solve the problem? Outside view show the whole 3d model, but on camera and rendered it comes out like this:
Gabriel's user avatar
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1 answer

Object appears in 3D view, but partially disappears in camera view and rendering [duplicate]

I'm trying to make a world background by enclosing the whole area in a big sphere, and projecting a spherical map onto that sphere, as per a tutorial on youtube that I can't post because it won't let ...
DrSandwich's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

If I zoom to far out everything dissapears [duplicate]

If I zoom out too far, all objects disappear, how can I adjust this so that I can see them from further away, so that the view is simply bigger? Thx for our help
BlueSea's user avatar
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Blender camera problems [duplicate]

I am trying to render my model but the camera kinda shoots into the model. When I press Ctrl+Alt+0 to bring up the camera view mode it makes my model so large instead of showing the view from the ...
Sjamke Gerber's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Black screen following me whenever I zoom out in blender [duplicate]

Whenever I zoom out there would be a black screen constantly following me. The more it zooms out the more I cant see my model
Unihym's user avatar
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Objects keep disappearing over long distances [duplicate]

If I make an object like a cloud and put it far away, it disappears in the render. Is there any tricks to fix this?
Tucker's user avatar
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0 votes
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Why does part of my scene get cut off when going into camera view? [duplicate]

When I go into camera view, part of my scene gets cut off automatically. The render tab and shading tab also has part of my scene not visible but the scene is fine in all other modes.
Kelvin's user avatar
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When in camera view a grey plane appears [duplicate]

I was playing with my POV and suddendly a grey plane, the problem is that I didn't add any, and the plane rotate with the camera, look at the photos for a better understanding. The worst is that ...
bl4nk's user avatar
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