
Follow up of:

How to remove duplicate verts after spin tool?

How can I add bolts onto an existing mesh? If I create a separate object (as a single bolt) and duplicate it so that it looks like the inner part of the rim (ITALIERI) below:

enter image description here

how can I merge them with the existing mesh so that there are no ngons? Additionally, the new vertexes will also inherit the subsurf, right? meaning that each needs an extra edge loop or crease.


1 Answer 1


Just add more loopcuts to have enough verts and then connect a circle.

  1. Add more loopcuts and make a hole in the mesh
  2. Position the 3D cursor there (Mesh > Snap > Cursor to selected)
  3. Add a circle with proper number of verts and connect it

enter image description here enter image description here


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