
I'm just testing Eevee and got a strange border in the reflection on the ground. The ground has an easy shader wich is very glossy. In the viewport all is corect but if I render it, I got this strange result. I've play around with the settings of the material, render settings and the object data of the Reflection Plane (Light Probe).

I hope anyone can solve this problem.

Thank youenter image description here

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Now I see that the problem i still in the render-viewport too. In this case the dark border is outside of the camera frame. It's above the timeline. The Edge Fading of Screen Space Reflections is on value 0.000 $\endgroup$
    – Dennis
    Commented Oct 19, 2019 at 21:36

1 Answer 1


Solution! Render Settings > Film set Overscan to Active

It seems that Blender trimms the area outside the camera frame and dosen't consider this informations. That's the origin of the problem. A falloff starts form there. The overscan option let some information outsite the camera frame and the effect dosen't occure.

Why this musst be like that - I don't know.


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