Hello everyone, I'm having this problem: The more pixels being render, the worse screen space reflection outcome, also in contradict, the less pixels being render, the better the reflection.
It's actually not like better or worse though, looks like the reflection just disappear. Look at the ground of the 1000px version vs 3000px version, the reflection of the roof where the lights is being placed just simply disappears, and the reflection on the other parts disappear as well but the picture I'm having for you here is too poor quality to be analyzed further. Also if the render had even less pixels to be rendered (below 1000px for example), then it will have even better reflection than the 1000px version itself. And if it got more pixels to be rendered, reflections will gradually disappear.
Please help me solve this problem. It's a important project for my class. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you.
- NEVER NEVER set the trace precision to the max (1000) as it will cause reflection errors like this. 0.999 works great, as long as not the maximum setting.