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Questions involving import-compatibility with other graphics software. Importing involves converting an external file type into a Blender file, for the purpose of editing or otherwise manipulating that file.

5 votes

Importing Adobe SVG cuts off half the image

Your best bet for high precision results is to simplify the Paths in Illustrator first, then export as svg. I tried loading that SVG into another vector drawing tool (Inkscape) but the Paths it contai …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
3 votes

What is the simplest way to turn off all but one layer in python

not sure how terse you want this ;) bpy.context.scene.layers = [i == 6 for i in range(20)] The layer with index 6 will be flipped on, the others off.
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
6 votes

Why are my SVG imports so small?

Imported in Blender that looks like this: SVG drawings are based on Scalar values, but when you use Vector graphics in a layout program or import into something like Blender the program needs to know …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
1 vote

Import and exported File have different sizes though they are identical

Blender's .ply importer can handle two kinds of .ply file. ascii (plain text -human readable, but large file sizes) binary (data is stored in a compact way, and must be decoded before it becomes hu …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
1 vote

Loading ASC files in blender

I wrote a simple importer for ASC files (see: this blenderartists thread ) code: import … bpy import time import csv A = time.time() dfile = r"C:\Users\dealga\Desktop\Archive\SU8606_DSM_1M.asc" getval = lambda i: int(next(i).split()[1]) with open(dfile) as ofile: ncols = getval( …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
9 votes

Import 3D XML in Blender or convert it with another tool

parametric texturing information (for repeating bricks walls, tiles, trees and foilage..etc) This is a pretty fast importer because it imports all geometry as one mesh, but it could also be written to import … By the way, the addon doesn't automatically zoom to show the new import, these files of Rotterdam are huge (geometryically speaking) I suggest to: select the imported object from the outliner and press …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
2 votes

How to generate points from an SVG

This code detects the coordinates inside cx and cy and offers to scale them by some amount to prevent an otherwise massive mesh: import bpy import re def svg_circles_to_vertices(filename, scale): …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
3 votes

Importing a SVG file creates too many faces

The SVG importer likely generates a 2D curve initially, so in future you might be better off to avoid converting to a Mesh first. Some steps below can be skipped if you do that. Like this: There's …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
42 votes

What are the light blue lines on my imported objects

Here's a script that lets you Mark selected edges as sharp Or remove sharp status of a set of selected edges Code for Object Mode: import bpy obj = bpy.context.object for e in if …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
5 votes

Triangulation using X, Y, Z data file to create an elevation model

raster direct to 3d surface If you can import the raster as a png or other supported file format, it is possible to convert straight from the image to a mesh.. … import bpy from math import floor scalar_z = 2.3 # amplification in z direction scalar_xy = 1.0 # amplification in xy def generate_face_keys(num_x, num_y): faces = [] verts_per_side_x …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
2 votes

How to properly set VERTEX_PAINT mode from a python script?

Your script adjusted (expects Blender Internal) import os import bpy import sys from math import pi # filename = 'web.ply' # in_dir = os.path.join('J:\\', 'aa') filename = 'a.ply' in_dir = "/home/zeffii …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
14 votes

Import PLY doesn't display vertex colors

The .PLY importer makes a Vertex Color Layer, if you switch to it you will see the colours. And as a cycles material:
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
11 votes

bpy.ops.view3d.view_selected() issue

If you don't have a reference to a specific window, you can iterate over all screen areas, and call the operator on all VIEW_3D area types. for area in bpy.context.screen.areas: if area.type == ' …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
3 votes

Apply Auto Smooth and its angles in a script

something like this which first selects all the objects that you have listed in 'new_objects', and sets autosmooth to 1 on them, then once they're all selected it sets smooth shading on all of them import … bpy import math for obj in = False # safe to un-select first, all objects. ''' if you have a 'new_objects' list , then skip objects not on the list: ''' # if …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k
6 votes

How do I extrude an imported svg along the z axis without clipping the original shapes?

The SVG should import at the right size. …
zeffii's user avatar
  • 39.9k

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