Linked Questions

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Where is the geometry node's scale node? [duplicate]

Looking to add a scale node that connects a vector output to an offset input portrayed in the image above.
Justin Coleman's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the equivalent of "Field at Index"? (Blender 3.5) [duplicate]

What resources are there that show the differences in nodes between versions? I'm following this tutorial and can't find the "Field at Index" node: 12:00 (Bricks Tutorial)
CountQuadula's user avatar
1 vote
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Missing inputs in point instance Geometry Node [duplicate]

I am missing some info (like X Y Z vertices and other rotation infos) in some of my geometry nodes. I am using Blender 2.93.3 and my nodes addons are activated. Here are 2 screens of what I have and ...
Mel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What replaced "attribute randomize"? [duplicate]

I cannot find attribute randomize. Where is it located, or what replaced it?
Anonymous's user avatar
0 votes
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Blender 3.2 - Point Instance Node. Is this available or did the name change? [duplicate]

Blender 3.2 - "Point Instance" Node. Is this available or did the name change?
CountQuadula's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why are the attribute nodes missing in the geometry node editor? [duplicate]

I've sculpted an object in Blender and wanted to play with the geo nodes and I'm very new to using geo nodes. In a few tutorials I followed there were some attribute nodes I couldnt find in the editor....
Maanas Machineni's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Point > Align Rotation to Vector Node is missing in 3.0 and 3.1 [duplicate]

I'm trying to follow along this tutorial by Erindale on youtube I am using blender 3.0 as he suggests in the beginning of the video. Same as he is using. I reach a point in the video (10:04) where he ...
thefoster9's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why am I missing nodes in my geometry nodes editor? [duplicate]

I'm currently following along with this tutorial, and at 1:20 and 2:00, I noticed that in the add menu, I simply don't have the nodes "integer" or "dual mesh". They just don't ...
A modeler in need.'s user avatar
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I can't find "instance on point" node, just "point instance" [duplicate]

I'm following along with a "game-like" tutorial using version 2.93. There comes a point where the guy says use the Instance on Points node, but I can't find it, I can only find Point ...
RichRareRefined's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't find the Scale node [duplicate]

Hi i'm following youtube tutorial but my blender(3.6) doesn't have 'Scale' node and only have these 3 nodes.. i tried all my best but it doesn't work same way.. the tutorial video made by blender 3.4 ...
H Yee's user avatar
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2 votes
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Overview of Node Changes in Blender 3.0 [duplicate]

I used Geometry Nodes in Blender 2.93 and was about to use it again together with old projects in Blender 3.0.1 but a lot nodes do not exist anymore and I can not find where to look up what to use ...
Yoshy's user avatar
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Geometry to Instance node is missing in my geometry nodes in Blender 3.1.2 [duplicate]

Geometry to Instance node is missing in my geometry nodes. When i open a new file i'm able to see it but can't find with the file i'm working with.Help
Griffin Migadde's user avatar
-1 votes
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Where can I find the "Density" attribute in Blender 3.6.1? [duplicate]

This node from Blender 2.92.0. I need the attribute "Density". Where is it?
Fire Demon's user avatar
0 votes
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I'm looking to replace point instance in blender 3.3.0 [duplicate]

I'm watching this tutorial timer 23:54, he's using instance point in the geometry nodes editor, and i don't know how to do that on blender 3.3.0, i saw there was instance to/on points but i don't ...
h2opium's user avatar
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Custom textures in new "Fields" Geo nodes [duplicate]

Does anyone know how to use custom image textures in the new Fields refactor of geometry nodes? There used to be a node called attribute sample texture, I cannot find the equivalent now. Thanks in ...
Blue Torch's user avatar
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What node replaces the attribute proximity node in blender [duplicate]

I've followed a tutorial on YouTube but it's from an older version of blender so the new geometry nodes are not working what node can i use instead of attribute proximity
Aldrin Joseph's user avatar
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Map Range Node in Blender 2.79 [duplicate]

Where the Map range node is located in Blender 2.79? I have tried to find it but could not do it.
Abbas's user avatar
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Can't find point instance in order to change point shape [duplicate]

hi i am following Andrew's tutorial for geometry nodes but the point instance node is removed if anyone knows any alternative that would allow to change the points' (or particles') shape here is my ...
blender user's user avatar
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Can't find scale node [duplicate]

I tried to find the Scale node in shader editor (Ctrl+A > Search), but nothing appear in the search bar. How to add this node?
sfweewf's user avatar
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Point instance in 3.5 [duplicate]

I'm following tutorials on the blender guru page so I can learn the program well. Unfortunately, the tutorials are using an older blender program. For instance, I'm following the tutorial on the ...
Tom Houghton's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

Where is Transfer attribute in 3.4?

Where is Transfer attribute node in 3.4? I don't find it in the list of nodes:
Crantisz's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point?

Say I got some points distribut on a sphere, how could I get the distance of each point to its nearest point, for example, in pic 1, there is a point A, and its nearest point is B, and what I want is ...
Daedra's user avatar
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16 votes
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How do you select a single face on a cube in geometry nodes?

This is a very simple question that I cannot seem to find an answer to online. All I want to do is make a selection of a single face in a mesh to apply a material to it. The example image shows a red ...
Edward Serfontein's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Selectively join points using geometry nodes

I'm trying to connect a set of points to their nearest neighbour. Steps I took: Instance some points on a grid Add a curve at each point and realize so I can affect them individually Move the ...
Ben's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is extrude possible in Geometry Nodes?

I can't find any node related to extrusion or inset in Geometry Nodes. Searching web and Stackexchange in particular hasn't provided me valuable results. Is there anything like this or at least any ...
Andrey Sokolov's user avatar
8 votes
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Blender 3.0 Offical Release get rid off some geonodes that were in 3.0a - what to do in cases such as this?

i found tutorial made by Default Cube which shows how to make some cool visuals - you can find it here Link is time stamped at exact moment where my problem happens ...
Jakub Przybylski's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Geometry Nodes - Extrude edge by ID

I want to be able to extrude edges of a mesh by ID number - e.g. extrude edge 2 and 3. Is this possible? I see the selection input socket of the node requires a boolean input, and I saw the post ...
G.H.'s user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How can I make a half circle spiral slide?

I want to make a shape like the picture below. I used an Archemedian curve spiral to make a shape for the slide, because I want the upper part of the spiral to have a smaller radius than the lower ...
DPlayground's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a list of all nodes in blender?

How do I get started working with nodes and is there a complete list of nodes so I can view them?
Leonardo-Paradox's user avatar

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