I created a nature scene and everything was fine until I tried to render it. I set about 600 samples (quite low) and hit render. I let it sit over night, but when I got up, I saw 6 hours left (even after the 10 hours I've been sleeping). So I started to play with the settings a bit and then I tried a test render:
Even with the low settings (resolution at 50% with 50 samples with some filter glossy) It still took me 30 minutes to render. So I'm wondering whether this is normal, even if I don't think so. Should I try to solve it or just let it render the 16 hours? I think that with my new graphics card it should take less time.
(By the way. For lighting I have an HDR (from Pro-lighting: Skies) with a relatively small sun lamp - 0.015, if it will help you at all)
Here are my computer specifications:
Nvidia GTX 960, Intel Core i5-6500, 8GB DDR4 RAM
(I'm rendering on GPU)