
I have been doing some rigging recently on a character I made, I was trying to make the fist pose and found out that the only way to having a realistic fist pose is by moving some mesh vertices around while keeping the bones at the fist pose (bone deformation almost gave me a heart attack) is there a way to retrieve the fist pose from the pose library along with the shape key of the adjusted vertices automatically so they form a total fist shape? I dont think drivers will be of help for me, cause this involves many finger bones and the shot is not worthy of this setup.

Thank you.


1 Answer 1


Per hand Driver Approach,

Add a custom property (for example sake "prop") to the hand bones (assuming names "hand.L" and "hand.R") of your armature. Use this property to drive your fist shape-keys.

Hunt down the hand bone as the variable target, make it a single property variable type, with pose.bones["hand.R"]["prop"] the data_path.

enter image description here

Each bone custom property is saved with the pose.

  • $\begingroup$ Perfect, I guess shape keys is the only solution for this, having it switched on and off with a custom property in the hand bones is the most efficient in my case, thanks alot. $\endgroup$
    – Zack
    Commented Apr 13, 2016 at 10:04

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