I've been trying to build a Geometry Node group that in part is able to create a mesh of even thickness around a three-dimensional curve that features sharp corners.
After much research I'm aware that Blender is unable to do this with it's own Curve Profile system due to flaws in how it handles three-dimensional curves, but is there a way this can be solved in some basic way through Geometry Nodes and something like a Mesh Extrusion node by providing it a correct Offset for each corner?
I'm not great at this kind of mathematics and I don't want to be stuck in a Pythagoras maths hole for a week to find the missing link here. One Stack Overflow post mentioned something involving calculating the Secant but they never explained why and I wasn't able to replicate their math.
Left is what I want, middle is what I get with my current Geometry Nodes stack with just some sharp corners, right is an approximation of the curve being used.