I used 'FaceIt' to create some shape keys that also control eye movement. Since my eyes are procedural, I used dummy spheres for the eyes to bind the rig. The dummy eyes move fine with the shape keys, but I'm stuck on how to create a driver in my procedural eye based on the shape key. Is it even possible?
Note I'm able to control the procedural eye from the rig just fine with a driver that vector maps the rig x and z position to the eye rotation. Now I just need it to work with the shape keys. I tried mapping the dummy sphere x and z rotation to the procedural eye rotation like I did with the rig. It works fine when rotating the dummy spheres in object mode, but not when the dummy sphere rotates due to the shape key. The procedural eyes do not move with the rotation of the dummy sphere when using the shape keys.
Thanks for any insight or help.