I am trying to model a simple piece of a sniper scope. For that I am using a Bevel and Subdivision modifier to get clean and crisp edges when raising the model's resolution.
this is what the topology looks like without any modifier active:
As you can see it is based on a simple cylinder, nothing fancy. Next you can see the beveled topology. I want each beveled edge to stay sharp when subdividing.
However when I add the subdivision modifier on top I get a weird pinching effect in the areas I marked red. see the image:
I have to admit this is a problem that comes around pretty often but I never figured out how to fix it yet. I already tried adding some support loops, but it is important to me to keep the perfect circular shape of the scope part.
If you are reading this and know what to do in this case I would be more than happy if you could give some advice. Please find the blend file attached.