I'm trying to get something that looks like a cloth object pinned to the wall at the corners and centre using cloth sim. I'm having a few issues (not getting enough wrinkles and creases, etc), but currently the biggest problem I have is that the top edge of the object remains almost perfectly straight, whereas a real cloth object pinned to a real wall would sag a bit. I think getting the correct sagging behaviour would improve the other issues I'm having with lack of creases.
I'm starting with a plane object pinned in 3 places, with a simple cube behind it to serve as a wall to collide against.
My cloth sim is configured as such:
When I run it, the results aren't too bad, but as you can see the top edge of the banner is more or less perfectly straight, as if the fabric is being stretched between the pins, where in real life the cloth would sag a little between the pins if it wasn't being pulled taut.
I think if I could get the actual pin position to be slightly closer together than the vertex group pins then that may help produce better results. I've tried messing with weights and having different starting angles for the flag when I run the sim, but the top edge always remains straight.
What can I do to improve the results from my sim?
EDIT: I've tried using the "rubber" preset instead of the "cotton" one, and whilst that does product sags, it also doesn't produce much in the way of wrinkles in the material.