I'm running Blender 2.90.1 on a Windows 10 PC. I've created a relatively simple cloth sim of vinyl banners on the side of a tent in a breeze. In order - I've saved my project -> Checked the boxes for Disk Cache and Use Library Path for the Cloth Sim -> Bake. I let it do its thing, save again and see the subfolder with the cached frames for the sim next to the project on my hard drive. All good.
However, after closing and re-opening the project or opening it on another computer (mapped network drives are the same), the bake is gone. The files are still there, and in fact the Cache section of the Physics tab states that "231 frames on disk" but there is clearly no sim happening, either in the render or the preview window. I'm forced to run the sim again each time I open the file which, as one can imagine, is extremely frustrating. Cloth sims don't have the External options to specify a location for the cache like particle or fluid sims do, so that doesn't apply here.
Settings look like this:
And a freshly baked sim SHOULD look like this:
But when reopening the file or on a different system for rendering, despite the sim's Cache settings being untouched, I get this:
What gives? Did I do something wrong or is this a bug perhaps? I suppose the alternative is to bake it in the .blend file but that's not very optimized and can slow things down.