I purchased a model with source Blender files from TurboSquid and am attempting to make some changes to the textures. The .blend file uses the Cycles renderer, and the mesh has a "Principled BSDF" material with Base Color texture and Normal Map texture.
The normal map uses a color normal map file. I am trying to replace this with a grayscale bump map which I find easier to edit. Using the internal renderer in Blender 2.79 and earlier, I would add an Image texture slot, select the grayscale image, check the "Normal" influence box, and check the "RGB to intensity" checkbox to make the grayscale image suitable as a bump map.
In Blender 2.8 using Cycles and Principled BSDF, there doesn't seem to be an equivalent to the "RGB to intensity" checkbox. I can't figure out any way to achieve this. Additionally, the Principled BSDF seems to only be editable in the Properties editor, and I can't figure out any way to convert it to nodes (the "Use Nodes" button isn't showing).
How can I use a grayscale bump map instead of a color bump map in 2.8?