First off all I use the metallic workflow and the following maps: Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, Height, Normal. And I have found many different ways to give my materials the scene of depth/height. And I'm sure there are some situation are better for some methods and others for other method. So my question is, what is the best way to do it and when would I use what. Maybe there are also some ways I didn't mention here.
- Height and normal map in Principled BSDF method +
- Height map -> Bump node -> Principled BSDF node Normal map -> Normal Map node -> Bump node -> Principled BSDF node
- works in Eevee/Cycles/Viewport
- flat surface
2.Normal map in Principled BSDF method
- Normal map -> Normal Map node -> Principled BSDF node
- works in Eevee/Cycles/Viewport
- flat surface
3.Height map in Principled BSDF method
- Height map -> Bump node -> Principled BSDF node
- works in Eevee/Cycles/Viewport
- flat surface
4.Displace modifier method
- Subdivide mesh + Displace modifier -> use height map texture -> reduce strength + Shade Smooth + Method 1./Method 2./Method 3.
- works in Eevee/Cycles/Viewport
- surface with height information
5.Displacement Material Output method
- Height map -> Displacement node -> Material Output + Subdivide mesh + Material Properties Tab>Settings>Surface>Displacement Displacement and Bump + Method 1./Method 2./Method 3.
- works in Cycles
- surface with height information