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Blender Python Bmesh module, added in 2.63, provides an alternative method of manipulating meshes "giving Python access to the functions used by Blender’s own mesh editing tools.". Use this tag for question about using the Bmesh module in Python scripts and add-ons.

11 votes

Is there a way to select edges marked as sharp via python?

There isn't a single command for this, but a script to do this is quite simple: Note that with BMesh, the same smooth option is used for faces and edges (not smooth == sharp). … import bpy import bmesh obj = bpy.context.edit_object me = bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) for e in bm.edges: if not e.smooth: = True bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me, False) …
ideasman42's user avatar
3 votes

Order of vertices added using Python script and bmesh

BMesh only ensure vertices are added in-order when they are added to a newly created (or converted) mesh (which is OK for importers and geometry generators). …
ideasman42's user avatar
5 votes

Manipulate Vertex group names in the bmesh API

Vertex group names are stored in the object, not the mesh. The order of groups just has to be aligned between the mesh and the object. So yes, you have to name the group on the object.
ideasman42's user avatar
1 vote

Script to separate an object's mesh without using bpy.ops

No, currently the only method for splitting objects uses bpy.ops, there aren't always API equivalents for each blender operator.
ideasman42's user avatar
4 votes

How to fix ngons overlapping wire edges?

There are 2 ways I would suggest to fix up a model with edges like this. Using Fill holes: This tool was written for almost this exact case, it has the advantage it will fill in UV's. vertex-colors …
ideasman42's user avatar
2 votes

How to access vertex_color layer directly from inside BMVert

Vertex colors are stored in face loops, you can't ignore/overlook this. However its reasonable that you might want to generate vertex colors per vertex and not have to deal with looping on vertex-loo …
ideasman42's user avatar
13 votes

What is the technical difference between an Ngon and a bunch of Triangles?

This question is very generic - but you give a very specific example (Subsurf) which happens to treat ngons differently to many triangles (to be clear - differently to a triangulated ngon). The answe …
ideasman42's user avatar
9 votes

How to add a UV Map to a Mesh Using Python

There is also a snippet in BMesh docs. …
ideasman42's user avatar
20 votes

how to use BMesh to add verts, faces, and edges to existing geometry

So instead, just exit editmode and blender will handle converting the modified bmesh into the object mode mesh data. … import bpy, bmesh obj = bpy.context.object me = bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) v1 =, 2.0, 2.0)) v2 =, 2.0, 2.0)) v3 =, -2.0, 2.0)) …
ideasman42's user avatar