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Why weight paint is not symmetrical in the mirror plane?

Update: Any mesh with mirror modifier in the new blender version seems to cause the side that is not mirrored to take over the complete control of the vertexes in the mirror plane. Not sure if it's a ...
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Vertex Group X Symmetry paints both weights onto same area

I was painting the weight of one of my breast bones in a rigify rig, with vertex groups X symmetry enabled, and when I checked the opposite bone I realized that it was not symmetrica, all the paint I ...
metichi's user avatar
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Automatic weights not working with rigify (auto- python checked)

Hello great blender masters. i have made a human mesh, added a rigify rig, lined everything up, clicked generate. But when i click parent with automatic weight, it parents with empty weight groups... ...
Adam Lev's user avatar