Linked Questions

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Possible to rotate middle loop of cylinder (for example) to rotate whole top part

Is it possible to get the top to follow the normal of the edge loop, so it rotates kind of like this?
Kyozoku's user avatar
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How to make a cross tee pipe fitting in Blender?

When I try to do it, it looks VERY sloppy. I assume there's an easy way, I just don't know how. Here is kind of what I'm going for: It can't have a lot of faces though so the Subdivide modifier is ...
Jones's user avatar
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T-junction pipe

I've just downloaded Blender and am starting it for the very first time. I am a computer programmer, not a designer. I downloaded this for a specific requirement that I have - nothing to do with ...
Hussain Akbar's user avatar
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Create Outer Envelope of a Complex Object?

Given an complex shape that has unwanted inner structure inside the skin, I'd like to create an outer 'envelope' of the surface that ignores that internal structure. e.g. imagine a bunch of ...
RossGK's user avatar
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Merge two cylinder into a joint [duplicate]

How would I go about merging two cylinders in order to achieve a result similar to the joint in the highlighted part in this image?
Viten's user avatar
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How do i bend a cylinder into a Lshape

How can i bend this cyclinder into an L shape please. I have tried the warp in transform but i seem to end up with an odd windy shape rather than a simple shape. Simon Many thanks
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How exactly you use Extra Objects like N-Pipe?

Is this a type of Extra Objects meshes that are there just for convenience? I imagine the pipe screensaver in old school windows, but then again that is very much algorithmic. Not something one would ...
Blender Sushi Guy's user avatar
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Shading issue on instances by vertices

I am making some railings and instead of use the array modifier to repeat them, I choose to do it using instances by object's vertices. My problem is at the point where instances connect. I have this ...
Simos Sigma's user avatar
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How can you edit simple tubes?

So i learned how to create simple tubes. Now i wonder if there´s a way to edit them further and use sculpt mode for example. Using the subdivision surface modifier on a path i can´t apply it. Is it ...
Irenäus Blaszkiewicz's user avatar

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