Linked Questions

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Rigid body collision not precise [duplicate]

I'm new to Blender and have been playing with rigid body simulations. I have noticed that collisions are not very accurate, which is usually okay, but, in this instance, it makes objects fly through ...
Mirac7's user avatar
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Object falls though other objects even when given the same physics

So, I made a bunch of spheres (they don't bounce yet) that are supposed to fall and hit the plane beneath them, and stop. All of them, big and small, do exactly that... except one. This one keeps ...
BookWyrm17's user avatar
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Why do fractured parts act like an explosion?

In the following we are testing cell fracturing applied to a UV-sphere (remeshed to blocks, BTW). We then apply rigidbody physics to the generated parts. When we start simulation as you can see ...
Developer's user avatar
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Put complex shape flat on the table

I have a complex (i.e. irregular, concave) shape obtained by photogrammetry. Now, I'd like to put it flat on a table. How to achieve this? (It ridiculously balances one point now. ) Is there a smart ...
Ideogram's user avatar
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Rigid Body Mesh Collisions: Objects falling through each other

I have a scene that I need to run simulations on, and quite a few of the collision shapes need to be set to mesh. This works fine for most objects but there are some that are acting weird, basically ...
A. Bollans's user avatar
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how can I accurately simulate ballistic physics? [duplicate]

I am trying to find out how to make a cannon or gun that works with the physics simulation. but I have two problems. I'm not sure how to suddenly apply force behind an object,then remove it. I can't ...
user16973's user avatar
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Blender objects pass through the ground

I was working on a Blender project on objects falling to the ground. I set the ground to "passive" and the objects to "active". After doing the simulation, I noticed how some of the objects just fall ...
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Active meshes keep bouncing and slipping away from passive meshes

Attached here is a link to a video of a problem that I am addressing. I am working on this render, and I applied the "passive" rigid body tool to both the ground and ...
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Why do my bricks topple over?

I scaled the standard cube to be 2 x 1 x .5, created several copies of it and moved these around so that they should not topple over according to the laws of physics for the following reason: The ...
Hagen von Eitzen's user avatar
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Two closely fitting angular blocks [duplicate]

How to get the correct and expected behavior of this two blocks, falling down one on another? With using rigid body physics. The default collisions seems not act as you expext. Please, feel free to ...
denikryt's user avatar