
So I was making a side walk for a curved park of a road that I made, but I wasn't sure how I was going to make it. when I tried to extruded the edge, the extruder locked into place in some odd angle, but it was an angle that surprisingly worked perfectly for me so I got the side walk on on side of the road but on the other side I couldn't figure out how to get the extruder to lock into place. I will include a picture to help show my problem. I would really like if someone could point out how I made the extruder lock into place like in a odd angle.

Thanks, Nova

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


By default extrude will lock along the normal of the selected faces. The normal is perpendicular to the plane of the face. In other words, the direction the face is facing.

  • To unlock it, press Z after extruding.

  • To re-lock it, set the transform orientation to normal in the header of the 3D view. Then press ZZ after extruding and unlocking (or GZZ if you cancelled/completed the extrude/transform operator)

    enter image description here

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