I've got an FBX file that was mangled pretty badly by an auto-export with downsampling. I'd like to clean it up by forcing vertices to be mirrored (it's supposed to be symmetric), but what I find myself doing is clicking one point, clicking the transform x-coordinate, hitting copy, clicking another point, clicking the transform x-coordinate, hitting paste, clicking the first point, etc. etc. for y- and z-axis values.
Some of the geometry is totally hosed and I'm finding I need to redraw it, but there again I'm clicking a point, ctrl+right click to put a new one down, then the back-and-forth transform dance to get it where it needs to go.
I found posts online about mirroring objects, but I can't seem to get anything reasonable to work for points.
What I'm actually trying to do is mirror faces; if there's a way I could just mirror faces too, that'd be even better. I also found references online about deleting half the mesh and adding a mirror modifier to create it, but the problem there is that the file was poorly downsampled and it's not mangled symmetrically (hence why it needs so much cleanup). I need some faces from one side, some from the other, etc.