I have set up one basic noise texture map with Geometry Nodes and one basic noise texture map setup with Shaders.
The geometry nodes setup just simply extrudes faces depending on the height of the noise map. The shader editor just has the noise map stuck into the base color.
I have set both the scales of the Noise Texture to be equal to 1.
When I plot both of the noise textures however, it appears that the Geometry Nodes texture is of a significantly higher scale than the shader editor.
Why is there this difference here and is there a way to better visualise the mapping behind the Geometry Nodes texture?
EDIT - HERE IS THE RESULT WITH THE SOLUTION - https://i.sstatic.net/0jy6E.jpg
Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LhCNRBcutHekuBT7L6eRQlx6nQHqccZm/view?usp=sharing