
I would like to create a tube which has a square input section, a circular output section and a smooth transition between the two.

I would like the tube to follow a curve, so I figured I could create a Bezier Curve and then use the Bevel object feature. However this is gives me a uniform cross section.

How can I achieve what I want?


1 Answer 1


Here is a (destructive) way to do it:

  • Create a 8 vertex square, array it (Constant Offset mode) and make it follow a curve:

enter image description here

  • Apply the modifiers, select each square and round it more and more with AltShiftS (To Sphere) and playing with the Operator box factor:

enter image description here

  • Switch to Edge Select mode, select all and right click > Bridge Edge Loops:

enter image description here

  • In the Operator box, play with the Number of Cuts value:

enter image description here


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