I created a scene with balls surrounded by glowing lightning. The lightning is shrink-wrapped to the balls to give a Tesla-like effect (not that convincing - but it's the best I could come up with). Anyhow, the lightning shrink-wrapped to the balls is not glowing at all. The emission shader for the lightning material is set to 600 (I started out at 1 and progressively ratcheted it up trying to get an effect to no avail).
I've played around with all kinds of different settings in the Glare node of the Compositor, also to no avail. I changed the Filmic contrast level to high and very high contrast. No luck.
I tried with both a daytime and nighttime HDRI environment texture from HDRI Haven. No luck. I tried with no background texture at all. No luck. I also tried with and without a Volume Scatter node in the World settings. No luck.
The lightning uses a skin modifier mesh that I tried both applied and unapplied.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get the lightning material glowing like lightning?
Thanks in advance