What you want to do is quite easy to do in blender with motion tracking.
Open a new project as VFX File > New > VFX
In the Clip Editor (not the Video Sequence Editor) open the video you want to use.
Add a tracker on the face or whatever feature you want to track.
Track the element.
In the solve tab of the tools window, in the geometry section use "Link empty to track".
And in the scene setup select "Set as Background" so that you can see the image as background on the camera view.
Import the image as plane, set it where you need.
You can then use that empty as parent to any object on the 3d workspace.
To render, composite the rendered image on top of the movie clip (the image used in the 3D viewport is for reference only).
Or you can opt to create 4 trackers and creata a "Plane Track" that can be used to deform an image as if follows the placement of the trackers.
How would I attach text to a tracked point on video clip
Is it possible to take a mask clip and 'connect' it to a specific point on a moving object?
Overlaying an image to cover a face in a video?
link then use theadd image
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