
this is a picture of the effect I am doing

enter image description here

The original work: https://instagram.com/p/BjFdQfEgthj/

I just can't seem to get the same glow like effect. I'm not sure if I am missing something with the emission material itself or is it the surrounding elements that are making it realistic.

when I made it I just added an emission shader, I'm assuming there should be other stuff with it too but mine just ended up looking extremely dull. ignoring the imperfections on the glass, the glow in mine is just meh and not even glowing at all. am I missing something big with emissions? increasing the emission value just makes it white so that didnt help either

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


You can do this with Volume Scattering. In the world tab (icon of globe), under "Volume", select "Volume Scatter" from the dropdown and set up the Density and Antisotropy to be similar to mine (feel free to tweak but this should work well):
enter image description here This brought my emission object from this
enter image description here
To this:
enter image description here

Again, feel free to play with any of the values shown to get it to look as you imagine!

  • $\begingroup$ adding the volume scatter removes everything else from my scene, cant see the lamps or the background plane i added $\endgroup$
    – Code
    Commented Jun 4, 2018 at 20:14

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