
I am new to Blender so please bear with me. I have imported a model from Maya into blender as an fbx file. In sculpting mode when I try to remesh it Blender either stops responding or the mesh does something very odd where it looks like the mesh has been torn apart. I attached an image to show what I mean. Does anybody know what is happening here and how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Remesh doesn't work when you have "thin" mesh. Your model gotta have thickness more, than one face. Solutions:

  1. Use multires modifier, not remeshing a surface
  2. Add thickness to model by "solidify" modifier and applying that
  3. Close all holes in your model and try to remesh ones more.

(here is a simple representation of why it appears. left cube has "hole" and just don't remesh properly)

enter image description here


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