I'm a novice at Blender.
I started using a program called 3d Slicer for medical images. It takes a medical scan (CT, MRI etc) and allows you to turn it into a 3d image (in this case .obj file for Procreate to read).
I'd like to get it to where I can paint on these objects in Procreate but if you look at my images, you'll see the problem.
This is my (admittedly weird) workflow:
Create the .obj file in 3d Slicer. Import it into Forger (a sculpting app) because Procreate won't take the file as-is, I have to follow some other instructions to fix the UV wrapping. Then I open it in procreate and get the mess you see in my last image when I try to paint. Without paint, it looks great!
So I imported it into Blender and tried limited dissolve (you'll see the results in the images) and then tried voxel remesh but it completely crashes with that.
Any advice on how to clean this up to take away that "can't paint on it cleanly" issue?
[shift + N]