I'm hoping I can get some help with a problem I'm having using an IK rig on a metahuman model I'm working on. It seems that adding the armature causes the rig to split at certain points like the shoulders, hips etc (pictured for reference).
I'm bit of a noob when it comes to rigging and while I've searched for some solutions I've had no joy thus far so thought I'd ask outright. I've tried resetting scale/position of the rig but that's not fixed it. Even though I haven't altered the armature at all since parenting the mesh to it, the "pose" and "rest" positions are ever so slightly different.
Could this be a vertex group problem with weighting? From issues I've read on here before it seems it may be but the particular problems other users were having don't seem to apply, or if they do I'm too ignorant to know how. If you could help me identify what's going wrong here I'd be really grateful!
blend file for your info: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MWTwtXbtD4kFAn466Fi9tNl2jW81WrJc?usp=sharing
Cheers, Dom