I have a character I brought into blender from Unreal Engine in order to create custom clothing. The character's rest pose is the standard A pose used by Unreal Engine.
I used "pose" mode to place the character into the standard T pose position used for creating clothing and then created the shirt I needed. This is when I run into a snag.
My "shirt" mesh has a rest position which is essentially a T position (arms straight out to the sides) but the rest position of my armature is in the A position with arms angled downwards. Let's call this -45 degrees.
I now need to attach my shirt to the armature so I can reposition the arms into the original A position of the character, which is where I run into a snag.
It appears that a "pose" is relative to the original rest position, which makes sense. So as soon as I parent my "shirt" onto my "armature" the shirts arms deflect UP 45 degrees while the character arms are straight out in the T position. If I return the character to it's rest position (A Position) the shirt arms return to their original position as well (T Position).
The logical solution is to make the character's T position the rest position first, before attaching the shirt to it. However, it creates another problem: I need to position the arms in the EXACT A position that the original character file was in so it will property align with the character when I transfer the shirt mesh into Unreal Engine.
Is there a way to "swap" my created pose with the rest pose while maintaining both in the blend file? So far when I change the rest position, it does not preserve my other stored position as it's relative to the rest position.
I'm hoping to avoid having two separate base characters, one with am "A" rest position and a second with a "T" rest position.
Any ideas?