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Questions tagged [blender-id]

Blender ID is the authentication service operated by Blender Foundation. It provides a unified login system that will give you access to a large number of services around Blender. The Blender ID add-on can be used to authenticate users in Blender itself.

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3 votes
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How can you sync Blender configs between multiple machines?

I run Blender on several machines, it is a hassle to copy configs around, in order that you don't have to configure everything from scratch every time. Is there a sync functionality that does this?
Markus Bawidamann's user avatar
1 vote
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How to smoothly connect rectangle and cone while leaving arches? [duplicate]

Beginner here* How do I smoothly connect a cube with a cylinder?
Chaan Cobby's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where is the Blender ID add-on preference pane?

For some reason I seem to have lost all my Blender Sync preferences. I reinstalled the add-on which was missing, but the preferences pane is asking me to log in: I cannot find out how to log in, I ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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