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can't find the Blender ID add-on sign in

I have been trying to download the textured brushes add-on from the Blender Cloud. I understand that the download should consist of 2 files, one being a one-time sign in utility for the cloud, the ...
Chris's user avatar
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How can you sync Blender configs between multiple machines?

I run Blender on several machines, it is a hassle to copy configs around, in order that you don't have to configure everything from scratch every time. Is there a sync functionality that does this?
Markus Bawidamann's user avatar
3 votes
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2.78b : Blender system Cloud texture addon not showing

Just subscribed to Blender Cloud Downloaded addon: Able to login via Blender Cloud id(This one was already installed with 2.78b - so dont know why it is included in ...
Chris G.'s user avatar
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How to use the Blender ID in a third-party add-on?

Blender 2.78 came with a perhaps overlooked feature with the Blender ID authentication add-on. It's very strait-forward to use as long as you have registered a Blender ID, but I don't see how it can ...
Jake Dube's user avatar
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